Between inland dunes and moors
The dune landscape of the Elbe valley is still very young, seen from a geological point of view. The glaciers of the last Ice Age around 12,000 years ago formed the glacial valley of the Elbe. It left behind extensive sand and scree fields in northern Germany. The result was a storm-formed dune landscape, which today is mostly overgrown by extensive coniferous forests.
The recommended tour entry is at the Stixer wandering sand dune, one of the last dunes in the Elbtalaue, which was already put under protection in 1977. It is especially impressive to see the still wandering sand of the dune on the path below the observation platform. At this spot, larger areas are free of vegetation or the sand reaches as far as the crown of the pine trees. The view from the observation platform over the sand as well as the pine crowns to the heights of the Elbe makes an impressive stopover.
Afterwards the route leads to the largest intact high moor in the Elbtalaue, the Laaver Moor. It consists of flat depressions that have been blown out from the wind to a water-impermeable layer. A diversified, small-scale upland moor has developed here. Upland moors are unique landscape elements that are characterized by an almost always existing surplus of water. They live solely from rainwater and are therefore also called rainwater bogs.
The path takes you to a small settlement and the Heidkrug hiking car park in the middle of a forest. The Heidkrug restaurant of the same name is an idyllically situated inn. In former times it was mainly a stopover for forest workers, today it is a restaurant with a rich tradition.